Shake it Up in September: Mastering Shimmies and Learning the Art of the Bellydance Show

As the crisp autumn breeze begins to replace the warmth of summer, there's no better time to embrace new rhythms and movements. September brings an exciting array of opportunities at our bellydance studio, where we'll be delving into the world of shimmies and unveiling the captivating journey of creating a complete bellydance show. Whether you're a seasoned dancer or just starting your dance adventure, this month promises to be a whirlwind of learning, creativity, and artistic expression.

Weekly Classes

Shimmies Galore: Mastering the Art of Vibrations

Shimmies, those mesmerizing vibrations that form the heart and soul of bellydance, take center stage this September. Studio classes will be dedicated to mastering different types of shimmies, each adding a unique flavor to your dance repertoire. From the sultry hip shimmy to the playful knee shimmy, the rhythmic choo-choo, and the captivating three-quarter shimmy, the Studio’s classes are geared to guide you through the subtle nuances of each movement. Feel the music pulse through you as you learn to create a symphony of shimmies, elevating your dance to new heights.

Check the schedule and learn more.

Monthly Workshops

Embarking on a Dance Journey: Bellydance from Start to Finish

Are you ready to take your bellydance skills to the next level? Our "Bellydance from Start to Finish" workshop series is designed to help you craft a mesmerizing dance show, piece by piece. Each workshop focuses on a different aspect of a bellydance performance, providing you with a comprehensive understanding of what it takes to create a captivating and memorable show.

THIS MONTH: The Grand Entrance

Every great performance begins with a captivating entrance. In this workshop, you'll learn the art of making a grand first impression, setting the tone for the rest of your show. From posture and stage presence to the perfect footwork, you'll leave the workshop with a choreography that allows you to step onto the stage with confidence and grace.

Learn more.

October’s Theme: Grooving to Pop

Modern bellydance often embraces popular music, and in this workshop, you'll learn how to infuse your dance with the energy and flair of a pop song. From syncing your movements with the beats to adding your personal style, you'll discover the magic of dancing to contemporary tunes.

Learn more.

November Theme: Balancing Act

Sword and candle tray balancing is an awe-inspiring aspect of bellydance that never fails to captivate the audience. Our workshop demystifies the art of the balancing act, teaching you not only the techniques but also a beautiful choreography that is ready for stage.

Learn more.

December Theme: Heart of the Drum

The drum solo is the heartbeat of bellydance, showcasing the synergy between dancer and rhythms. This workshop will guide you through a drum solo with intricate beats and exciting transitions that define a mesmerizing drum solo, allowing you to truly feel the pulse of the music.

Learn more.

Join In on this Dance Adventure

This September, Aisha Studios is a hub of fun, beauty, and creativity, where bellydance technique and artistic expression collide. Whether you're aiming to master the art of shimmies or longing to create a captivating bellydance show, Studio classes and workshops are tailored to meet your needs. Embrace the rhythm, feel the vibrations, and unleash your inner dancer as you embark on a journey of self-discovery and movement.

No matter your skill level, age, or background, the Studio doors are open to everyone willing to explore the enchanting world of bellydance. Let's shimmy our way through September and create dance memories that will last a lifetime. Are you ready to dance your heart out? We certainly are!


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